ContinueWith(TNewResult) Method (Func(Task(TResult), TNewResult), TaskContinuationOptions)

Task Parallel System.Threading

Creates a continuation that executes when the target Task<(Of <(TResult>)>) completes.

Namespace:  System.Threading.Tasks
Assembly:  System.Threading (in System.Threading.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function ContinueWith(Of TNewResult) ( _
	continuationFunction As Func(Of Task(Of TResult), TNewResult), _
	continuationOptions As TaskContinuationOptions _
) As Task(Of TNewResult)
public Task<TNewResult> ContinueWith<TNewResult>(
	Func<Task<TResult>, TNewResult> continuationFunction,
	TaskContinuationOptions continuationOptions


Type: System..::.Func<(Of <(Task<(Of <(TResult>)>), TNewResult>)>)
A function to run when the Task<(Of <(TResult>)>) completes. When run, the delegate will be passed the completed task as an argument.
Type: System.Threading.Tasks..::.TaskContinuationOptions
Options for when the continuation is scheduled and how it behaves. This includes criteria, such as OnlyOnCanceled, as well as execution options, such as ExecuteSynchronously.

Type Parameters

The type of the result produced by the continuation.

Return Value

A new continuation Task<(Of <(TResult>)>).


The returned Task<(Of <(TResult>)>) will not be scheduled for execution until the current task has completed, whether it completes due to running to completion successfully, faulting due to an unhandled exception, or exiting out early due to being canceled.

The continuationFunction, when executed, should return a Task<(Of <(TResult>)>). This task's completion state will be transferred to the task returned from the ContinueWith call.


System..::.ArgumentNullException The continuationFunction argument is null.
System..::.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The continuationOptions argument specifies an invalid value for TaskContinuationOptions.
System..::.ObjectDisposedException The Task<(Of <(TResult>)>) has been disposed.

See Also